Azov Films Water Wiggles Going Commando.12
..-- video review --BOY FIGHTS X: EVEN MORE WATER WIGGLES (2008)[The "X" shows it is number ten in the series, not that it is X rated.]"Boy Fights" is a series of videos distributed by Azov Films (they say made in Moldavia). Boys--perhaps ages 10 to 12--fight, and it is recorded on video. Not trained, disciplined, fighting, with rules and referees. Just boy fights, as boys have done for ages. Each installment of the series has a different theme. Wrestling, or boxing, or judo. One is even tickling: a boy is held down by some of the others, and tickled in various ways. Lots of fun for all.Personally, I have found these to be boring. Yes, I like to look at cute boys. But cute boys doing something interesting. Two opponents well-matched in size and strength, wrestling with a referee in a regulation match: that is something that can keep my attention. But a free-for-all with no rules loses my interest after a few minutes.Often, the boys would be undressed to some extent. Shirtless, or maybe even just in their undies, or skimpy speedos. But the series had a strict "no nudity" policy. However, that has changed starting with "Boy Fights VII: Water Wiggles". This continued with "Boy Fights VIII: More Water Wiggles" and "Boy Fights IX: Sticky Water Wiggles". The new one is "Boy Fights X: Even More Water Wiggles". (I will write: WW, MWW, SWW, EMWW.)For EMWW they have improved things over the past. It no longer looks like something set up in somebody's apartment. They have some sports briefs to wear. And they have edited the plain-wrestling portions down to about 9 to 12 minutes each. I did not find this one boring.For a wrestling ring there is a larger size plastic inflatable wading pool. The boys inflate the pool and add water themselves--they put perhaps 5 cm of water in the bottom. Later they empty it themselves. During the main events, we can see sometimes in the background the other boys with towels, sponges, or mops, cleaning up the water that has splashed out onto the floor and the walls. We never see anyone else. Clearly there is a video camera operator. And a flash still camera photographer. But we never see them. [In MWW, we did see a still camera photographer that is a boy the same age as the participants.]The costume is a sports brief (and absolutely nothing else). There seems to be a supply of these in the next room. It is a combination brief and athletic supporter, with elastic waistband and stretchy fabric. A logo on the front center. And (important) it becomes clingy and semi-transparent when wet.The boys: Smallest, perhaps 10 years old, are Vlaviu and Lucian. Next larger are Andrej and Vlad. Largest is Alex, perhaps 12 years old.The boys wrestle in the water ring two at a time in various pairs. Then there is a melee with all five. Afterward they pose for the camera and there is a short interview (with English subititles available). Some nudity. The Azov description also warns of coarse language but (unfortunately) other than the interview, the video is not subtitled.Recommended........ spoiler warning ...........If you intend to watch the video, and want to be surprised by what happens, stop reading now!.........* The first match is Vlaviu vs. Vlad. Vlaviu is a favorite kid with a great smile, and he is smiling and laughing a lot. Vlad appears here for the first time in a "Boy Fights" video (the other four have all appeared in previous videos). He's the one with the tan. First there is the usual sort of unorganized wrestling. Various take-downs, holds and escapes. Vlad is clearly stronger. He dominates practically everything. Both of their costumes become completely wet. Various postures show off every part of their bodies; the video camera operator knows how to take advantage of it. Now this is the kind of repetitive thing that can become boring, so fortunately it lasts for only 12 minutes.Perhaps Vlaviu becomes fed up with always coming out second-best. Once when he is held down by Vlad, Vlaviu reaches up to the back waistband of Vlad's costume and pulls it down, exposing the butt. So Vlad lets go to pull up his costume. But perhaps that move was a mistake for Vlaviu, because after that it becomes a wedgie competition. (This is what the Azov description calls it, but not the dictionary definition. Here it means: each tries to pull down the other's costume.) And still Vlad is bigger and stronger, so Vlaviu is still the victim most of the time. The extreme stretch of these costumes makes them ideal for this. Vlaviu almost loses his costume many times. The cameras are waiting for any chance to peek inside. But Vlad never completely succeeds, and we get only a glimpse or two. Fun for us. Fun for the boys according to the laughter.In all, Vlaviu vs. Vlad runs for 45 minutes. But it was not boring.* The second match is Alex vs. Vlad. There is some normal wrestling. Alex is bigger and stronger, but Vlad is very persistent. Mis-matched wrestling like this does not seem to be as much fun for me, the viewer; and the participants tend not to smile as much. Then the wedgie competition. Vlad breaks the waistband on Alex's costume. Alex holds it together with one hand, and break the waistband on Vlad's costume with the other. When the costumes have been pretty much demolished, they both go in the other room and get new costumes. Alex covers himself and turns his back, but Vlad doesn't seem to mind if the camera sees everything. Vlad displays his 11-year-old's equipment. He deserves to be proud of it.There is more ordinary wrestling. Alex dominates. After a while, Vlaviu gets in the ring, and so both Vlaviu and Vlad go after Alex. Two little guys against a big one is another way to make mis-matched wrestling interesting. In all, Alex vs. Vlad runs 24 minutes.* The third match is Andrej vs. Lucian. They begin the wrestling routine. At one point one of the boys outside the ring reaches in to pull down the back of a costume. But Andrej and Lucian make it clear this was not welcome. So they just wrestle. This is 9 minutes (perhaps after editing), a reasonable time for this.* The final match is the "melee", with all five in the ring. Now it is wedgie only, where the only goal is to get the costumes off the others. Since two- or three-against-one combinations are possible, sometimes the resistance cannot last long.First they go after Lucian then Andrej (perhaps annoyed by the chaste nature of their earlier match). When their costumes are broken, they leave the ring. We don't see much of Lucian, but Andrej has his lovely private parts on camera (everything of Andrej was previously seen in WW).With just three left, Alex and Vlad go after Vlaviu. Imagine poor little 10-year-old Vlaviu: He is wearing only a skimpy wet sports-brief costume. Two bigger and stronger boys are cooperating to get that costume off. The video camera and the flash camera are eagerly recording everything. Even under this attack, Vlaviu lasts more than two minutes. Vlaviu's cute little penis (with its unusual foreskin) is on view, then covered, time and again, with the flash-flash of many photographs being taken. Vlaviu is less and less able to cover anything, and in due course the costume is completely destroyed. Vlaviu leaves, clutching the remaining little rag to his front. Vlaviu has been giggling and shouting for the whole time, and is still smiling as he walks away. This was probably the best sequence in the video.Finally, it is just Vlad and Alex. Both are very determined. Alex is still bigger and stronger, so soon Vlad's costume is not much good for covering anything. But Vlad ignores that and keeps going after Alex (while the cameras, flash-flash, are interested in Vlad's body: penis swinging vigorously this way and that). When both costumes are destroyed, Alex covers himself with his hand and leaves, but Vlad executes an exuberant nude dance for the cameras.* After the competitions, the five boys come out to the ring to pose for the camera. Lucian, Andrej, and Vlaviu are wearing repaired versions of their costumes. But Alex and Vlad have no costumes left, so just cover themselves with their hands (sometimes) or flaunt themselves (other times). More of this is in a deleted scene included on the DVD. Alex has seemed modest during his matches, but now he freely shows us some wonderfully well-developed equipment for a 12-year-old, including some wisps of pubic hair.* Lastly there is a short interview. We hear a woman's voice asking the questions. It seems that when this woman comes in, the boys lie front-down in the pool for the sake of modesty. (Vlaviu is also nude by then.) Questions and answers are subtitled in English. The questions are mostly stupid ("What is your favorite food?" "What is your favorite color?"). Why not a more interesting question? Like: "What did you feel about the possibility that you would end up naked?" But the boys do enthusiastically say they had fun and would eagerly do this again..........The title for the next video of the series has been announced: "Boy Fights XI: Going Commando" ... Can you imagine that?........
Azov Films Water Wiggles Going Commando.12
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