Widi Professional 4.1 Registration Code [NEW]
Paste buttons avoid the necessity to retype registration code manually. The compatibility with several VST hosts such as Ableton Live is improved. Version 1.10 is based on the VST engine v2.4.Registered users of WIDI VST 1.xx can upgrade to WIDI VST 1.10 for free.
widi professional 4.1 registration code
Maintenance update of WIDI Audio To MIDI VST plug-in is released. Some critical bugs in the MAC version are fixed and overall stability is improved. There are no more bugs with registration code entering and MIDI file writing. New version requires MAC OS X 10.3.9 and later. For Windows version, MIDI file writing is improved.
(1)In Client(a)Enter the user name and the password (ID, PW).(b)C sends to S the current request (login, registration, and change password).(c)C calculates the PW hashing value HS(PW).(d)The hash function HS is encrypted using nonlinear function to give (HS, ).(e)The ID and Y are captured in IM using a text to image converter.(f)Calculate , the matrix of the IFS transformation constructed from IM using fractal image coding scheme.(g) is sent to S.(2)In Server(a)Decode to find the attractor IM1 using fractal image decoding.(b)Use OCR program to read the data in IM1 and determine ID, and the encrypted .(c)Use inverse function to decrypt and find (d)For each request status (registration, login, and change password), S is authenticated as follows.
As indicated in Table 1 and Figure 4, the performance evaluation of the proposed scheme in terms of performance time and captured image size against the key size is shown. It is to conclude that the registration and login time changes is directly proportional with the key size, while the authentication time is depending on the number of users which were registered in the server. The proposed password authentication is a novel fractal based scheme which provides secure transmission of credential message over insecure communication channel. The registration and login phase in client side performs four steps: the password is hashed, encrypted, captured as an IM image, and then transformed to IFS codes using FIC scheme. Whereas, it performs three steps in server side, which are generating IM1 attractor using FID, reading data using OCR, and finally decrypting these data to find the hash function, to be used with the ID, either for authentication, or registration, depending on the request case. 350c69d7ab