I Am Not A King, I Am Not A God, I Am ... Anya __EXCLUSIVE__
Taylor-Joy: And it's a real testament to Olivia's performance. I've now seen the movie a couple of times and when you first see it, I think, obviously, your first thoughts are like, Oh my god, what am I doing with my face? But having seen it a couple of times, there's a scene where Amanda is inebriated and Olivia has constructed such a well fleshed out, from the inside out character that you actually see all of these different emotions and you can connect to it in a different way and feel real empathy for her. And I think that's really, you know, her just being a phenomenal actress.
I am not a king, I am not a god, I am ... Anya
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Taylor-Joy: Thank you. It's strange, because I'm still looking at them, thinking, God, I wish this girl would get off screen. Like, What is up with her face? But at the same time I try and make them as absolutely different from me as possible, because I think that the reason somebody writes a script is because they want to create a character and that character should be allowed to have their own voice and their own mannerisms and their own way that they hold themselves. Otherwise you're just kind of continuously playing yourself, and I find that a little bit boring. I like to create an entity that I can detach from.
"We have this terrible thing in this country, and maybe even the world, where women have an expiration date on them and then they're supposed to fade away, you know? I see my wife struggling with that," Glass says. "Like, 'What's next for me?' Of course, because I'm a writer, I started thinking, well, what if my wife was a spy? And what if my wife had a secret past? And then it spiraled into this story that you see, which is, 'Can you go back and be who you were? How does your past define your present? Who are you? And how do you move forward?'"
Later at the hideout, Arya is disillusioned with the Brotherhood for selling Gendry, and rejects Dondarrion's argument that it was the will of the one true god, revealing the only one true god she believes in is Death. When Dondarrion decides to postpone delivering Arya to Riverrun to raid a group of Lannister soldiers for their armor and weapons, Arya angrily calls them out on their hypocrisy and runs away, hoping the Lannister soldiers will kill them all. She evades the Brotherhood but before she gets too far, she is kidnapped by Sandor Clegane, who was lying in wait for her.[26]
After Arya regains her eyesight, The Kindly Man gives Arya her first assignment - to kill the old insurance seller. Arya is uncertain whether to fulfill her mission, since her intended victim has never wronged her, her friends or her family, and she does not even know whether he did anything that he deserves death for. She comes up with very ridiculous reasons to kill him (he outlived her father, his hands are shaking, etc.), perhaps to ease her conscience. At last she kills him, then the Kindly Man orders her to go to Izembaro to begin her first apprenticeship. Unlike in the show, she is not ordered to kill any of the actors (at least not yet), and it is unclear for what purpose she was ordered to join the troupe. She takes on the new identity of Mercy and learns acting with the troupe. While she is there, she notices Rafford and kills him, without being ordered to, thus avenging Lommy's death.
Anya then began running through the halls of the CIC with Hoffman and Prescott, heading for the exit. She tried to contact KR-471, which was supposed to be waiting to evacuate them, but the comms unit had gone down. Anya told them that the backup transmitter aboard the CNV Sovereign should activate soon, but Prescott told her not to worry, and that the pilot had been given instructions not to leave without them. When they reached the street, they found that the city was already sinking, and that their route to the Raven had been cut off. Hoffman said they would have to take a detour, and told Anya to stay close to him, and asked if she had her sidearm. She told him she never was without it, and the three of them began running down the street. Prescott stopped and asked if they heard a rumbling, and they turned around to see the street behind them cracking and falling into the ground. They ran as fast as they could and jumped onto a building's railings, and pulled themselves to safety. They looked down and saw water rushing through the crack, with both humans and Locust struggling to escape from the flood. Anya wondered how many people they had lost, but Prescott told her they had saved the majority, which was more than what they had been able to do the last time they had done something like this. They walked a few block more, and came within sight of their Raven. Anya continued to try and contact Cole or anyone else, but was unable to, and she began worrying about them. They began working their way through the flooding street and debris, but several Locust emerged in front of them. Anya took cover while Hoffman and Prescott engaged them, and Cole showed up and helped them finish them off. Anya moved to rejoin them, but another drone emerged from under the water right in front of her. She swiftly removed her Snub Pistol from her backpack and shot the Locust twice in the face, impressing Hoffman and Cole. Hoffman remarked that she was Helena's daughter all right, and Cole asked her if she had been practicing. She told him she was just surviving, and not to make her worry about him again, because she thought something might have happened to him. He laughed and said it would take more than this to stop him, and helped her into the Raven. Anya noted that that was the first time she had ever shot someone, but Cole told her that had not been a someone, only a grub. After they took off, Anya tried to raise the others, but was unable to.[86] She spent the next several minutes worried about Marcus, thinking that she had never gotten to tell him she loved him, and was happy to see Marcus and the rest of Delta alive on another Raven, and waved at him and put her hand on her heart. Once a backup comm system came online aboard the CNV Sovereign, she overheard Dom tell Cole that he had been forced to kill Maria down in the Hollow, horrifying her.[87] As the Raven headed for Port Farrall, Anya wondered if the Locust had ever spied on them, and Prescott asked why she had asked that. She said that Marcus had reported that the Locust Queen Myrrah had mentioned his father, and Anya wanted to know how the Queen had known her name. Prescott agreed that that was indeed interesting.[86]
After Marcus and Dom located a group of Locust stragglers, Anya forced Cole to take her along to fight them, driven by a need to take revenge on them. Bernie let her into the Armadillo Delta was taking, and Baird handed her a Mk 2 Lancer Assault Rifle, and asked if she knew how to use it. She told him that she had to requalify on it every year, and checked the safety and ammo clip, then powered up the chainsaw to make sure it worked. Cole warned her that she needed to be careful, and that there were hundreds Gears rushing to kill the few that had been spotted. As they rushed to the battlefield, Bernie asked if what she had heard about what the Locust had done to Tai was true, and Cole and Baird told it was. Anya was surprised by this, since Marcus had not mentioned anything about Tai being tortured when he had reported his death, and began trying to figure out what had been done to him. When they reached the battlefield, Bernie told Anya to take the Armadillo and man the gun to give them covering fire, since she was not equipped to enter an actual firefight in her command Gear. They saw a long line of civilians rushing past the battlefield along a road, and as Anya set herself up in the turret, she contacted Mathieson and told him that they needed crowd control to handle the civilians. Bernie told her to take PA-776 and herd the civilians if needed, but Anya stayed on the battlefield for the whole fight, providing covering fire for the rest of the Gears. After the battle ended, Anya drove all of Delta back to Port Farrall, and kept looking at Marcus, and he kept glancing at her, almost smiling.[89] 041b061a72