Ozeki Ng Sms Gateway Software Download UPDATED
the ozeki service has become more stable. the system is now more immune to attacks, such as: dos attacks, packet flooding, flooding of large amounts of messages in bursts and denial of service attacks. the system will now start to shut down more gracefully in case of such attacks. the system will not suffer from a server crash, if a third party program crashes. however, if a client application crashes the service, it could cause the server to crash. this does not happen anymore. the startup time of the service has been reduced, which means, that the service will start more quickly in the future. the ozeki service now automatically reconnects in cases of heavy network traffic. the service will no longer stop completely in such cases. bug fix (p2p): the p2p client now allows the use of multicast peers for traffic distribution. bug fix (logging): the logging system now contains more meaningful entries. bug fix (ucp client): the client for the ucp protocol now works as it should. bug fix (chat): the built in chat system now uses the same settings for different chat clients. bug fix (imap server): imap server now contains a new server side option "folders". this allows the user to create custom mail folders, which is not possible with imap standard. "folders" are now accesible with the imap protocol. bug fix (gui): the application now more gracefull closes in case of database reporting. bug fix (database): the database has been improved. it now properly handles links and multiline entries. bug fix (chat): the built in chat server now uses the same settings for different chat clients.
ozeki ng sms gateway software download